The Ancient City of Pingyao
Pingyao is a small town in central Shanxi Province into whose history goes back 2700 years,when it was first built during the reign of King Xuan(827-782BC)of the Western Zhou Dynasty. Since the“Province and County System" by Emperor Qin in 221 BC,the city has been the county seat in all the times. Despite so many events or incidents, it survived practically as it was in the 600 years or more since Ming and Cling dynasties,and ranks as the only intact ancient city of Ming and Cling dynasties well preserved in China.
位于山西省中部的平遥古城是一座只有2700多年历史的文化名城。平遥古城遥古城始建于西周宣王时期(前 827一前782)自公元前221年,秦实行“郡县制”以来,平遥城一直是县治所在地,一直延续至今。平遥古城历尽沧桑,但自明清以来的六白多年间,平遥城市面积和布局基本末变,成为迄今为止国内保存最完整的一座明清时期的古代县城.