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位置:培训资讯 > 总算发现网球的英语


日期:2019-09-17 09:56:23     浏览:1397    来源:天才领路者


相关词汇   ace n. 发球得分(Ace球)   baseline n 底线   break point 破对方发球局   double fault 双发失误   forecourt (backcourt) 前(后)场   forehand (backhand) swings 正(反)手挥拍   game (set, match) point 局(盘,赛)点   Grand Slam 大满贯   mixed doubles 男女混合双打   red clay (synthetic, grass) court 红土(塑胶,草地)球场.

service line 发球线.

set n. 盘

singles (doubles) 单(双)打   smash n. 扣球   tennis n. 网球   tennis court 网球场   tennis racket 网球拍   the French Open 法国网球公开赛   tie-break 抢7局   volley n. & v. 截球  


  情景对话:   A: Li Na made a splendid history of our Chinese tennis at the French Open last night!   B: Yeah. She is the first person in China, even in Asia, to win the championship of singles in the Grand Slam events.   A: Yes. She realized the dream of many Chinese people.   B: You're right. The red clay is really her lucky court. At the award ceremony, she said she would go there again next year.   A: I heard that, too. Someone said she only got the success by luck, but I don't think so. She's so diligent. Besides,she has excellent skills of both forehand and backhands wings.   B: Yeah. Most time in the match, she put great pressure onthe opponent by controlling the falling points near the baseline. In this way, she broke points for several times.   A: Yes. On the contrary, the opponent had something wrong with the forehand swings and made some faults.   B: Yeah. In my opinion, the highlight of the match last night is the tie-break. Li Na scored six points in a row to get the match point. And then, with the opponent's returning out, she won the whole match.   A: Yeah. At that time, I was almost in tears.   参考译文:   A:昨晚,李娜在法网公开赛上为*网球创造了辉煌的历史!   B:是啊。她是全*.甚至是全亚洲,*个在大满贯赛事中获得单打冠军的选手。   A:是的。她实现了许多*人的梦想。   B:你说得对。红土球场确实是她的福地啊。在颁奖仪式上。她说明年还会再去那里的。   A:我也听到了。有人说她只是出于运气才获胜的,但我却不这么认为。她非常勤奋,而且,她的正手和反手技术都很出色。   B:是啊。比赛中的大多数时问,她都通过把球的落点控制在底线附近而给对手很大的压力。用这种方式,她几次破了对方的发球局。   A:是的。相反,对手的正拍出现了一些问题和失误。   B:是啊。依我看来,昨晚比赛的高潮出现在抢7局。李娜连续得了六分拿到了赛点。接着,随着对手回球出界,李娜赢得了整场比赛。   A:是啊。那时,我都忍不住要哭了。  