随着时代发展,很多艺术类的学生都会考虑去国外留学深造,丹麦留学艺术类申请 成为很多学生的一种选择,小编下面就介绍下丹麦留学生申请父母探亲信怎么写,在丹麦留学,然后在丹麦申请去法国的签证留学要什么手续??,疑问,为您艺术留学保驾护航,下文会为您详细介绍下!
Para1. It has been long time since we've met last time, Month, Year. I missed you so much. So I would like to invite you come to Denmark to visit me from when to when.Para2. I have quite good life in Denmark now. (them write little about it, 2-3 sentences). I live in , this is really a beautiful city. (then write something about weather, sightview). The people here are very nice, blablabla.Para3. If you come, I will be for all your expenses in Denmark (if you pay for them). I had make plan that we will go to somewhere (maybe other countries, if you did planed), and I will pay all things for you.At the last, write your name, address, CPR number, contact info....Sign it! Then make copies, send both original and copy to your parents.I wrote in this way in 2007.
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