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日期:2019-09-28 20:39:05     浏览:396    来源:天才领路者
  谁都不想自己美好的异国之旅被不和谐音符破坏,若想畅行无阻,英语即是必不可少的沟通工具。当然,你不必是英语通,你只需关键时刻开金口,问题即会迎刃而解。南昌美联英语选取了异国旅行中容易出现麻烦的场景,向大家介绍简单实用的旅行英语。本篇是:怎么用英语介绍黄山。     黄山位于安徽省南部,跨歙、黔、太平、休宁四县,秦时称彩山唐天宝六年(公元747年)改称黄山,景区面积154平方千米,是一座综合峰、石、松、云、泉等各种罕见景观的风景名胜区。     想要熟悉怎么用英语介绍黄山,基本的是需要掌握一些关键的句型,南昌美联英语小编为大家整理了一些怎么用英语介绍黄山的句子,帮助大家先做口语对话前的热身。   Where's Huangshan Mountain located?黄山位于何处?   What's the original name of Huangshan Mountain?   黄山原名是什么?   How large an area does the scenic area of Huangshan Mountain cover?   黄山景区面积是多少?   What's Huangshan Mountain known for?黄山为何闻名?   What's the four wonderful mountain scenes of Huangshan Mountain?   黄山“四绝”是什么?   What are the natural characteristics of Huangshan Mountain?   黄山地貌景观的主要特色是什么?     掌握了以上南昌美联英语小编为您整理的怎么用英语介绍黄山的基本句型,那么就需要开始练习对话了,简单的练习英语对话能迅速增进英语口语能力。     John: Excuse me, Mr. Liu. Could you tell me why it is called the Yellow Mountain?   Mr. Liu: Well, it used to be called Mount Yishan. Legend has it that the Yellow Emperor once came here to become an immortal. Then in the year 747, Emperor Li Longji of the Tang Dynasty strongly believed this legend and decreed that the name of the mountain be changed into Mount Huangshan or Yellow Mountain.   John: That's really interesting. But what is Mt. Huangshan famous for?   Mr. Liu: It is famous for its oddly shaped pines, its spectacular rocks, its hot springs and its sea of clouds. These are called the four wonders of Mount Huangshan.   John: Sounds great ! I can't wait to get there.   Mr. Liu: I'm sure we will get there today. Oh, here we are entering the North Sea Scenic Area. This scenic area extends from Bright Summit Peak in the south to Refreshing Terrace in the north, and from Beginning-to-Believe Peak in the east to Fallen Rock from the sky in the west. It is the best known spot of the whole area, offering spectacular scenes. Here is a crossroads. If you look to the right, you can see the picturesque Beginning-to-Believe Peak.   John: What a strange name!   Mr. Liu: It actually means you would only begin to believe the beauty of Mount Huangshan when you reach here.I mentioned earlier that one of the four wonders of Mt.Huangshan is its oddly shaped pines. On Beginning-to-Believe Peak stands one of the nine best-known pines-Black Tiger Pine. According to legend, a Buddhist monk was once passing the spot when he noticed a black tiger crouching on top of that pine. But when he approached it, the tiger had disappeared, leaving behind only the pine tree. Thus the tree was called Black Tiger Pine.   John: It's so interesting to hear these legends. They really make us appreciate the beautiful scenes better.   对英语千万不要一知半解的,南昌美联英语小编为您整理怎么用英语介绍黄山的翻译,帮助大家理解消化,彻底掌握该对话的精髓。     约翰:打搅一下,刘先生,你能告诉我它为什么要叫黄山吗?   刘先生:嗯,它原来叫黔山,传说黄帝曾经在这里得道成仙。后来,在747年,唐朝皇帝李隆基非常相信这个说法,下了一道诏书,将它改名为黄山。   约翰:这真有意思,不过黄山因何而*呢?   刘先生:黄山以奇松、怪石、温泉和云海著称,这些被称作黄山的“四绝”。   约翰:听起来真的不错,我可真急不可待地想去看看了。   刘先生:我相信今天我们会到那里的,哦,我们进入了北海景区。这一景区南起光明顶,北至清凉台,东起始信峰,西至飞来石,这里是整个黄山负盛名的景区,有着极壮观的景色,这里有一个十字路口,如果大家向右看,就能看到秀丽的始信峰。   约翰:多么古怪的名字啊!   刘先生:它实际上表示你只有到了这里才会开始相信黄山之美。我刚才提到过,黄山的四绝之一就是奇松,始信峰上生长着九大名松之一—黑虎松,据传说,有位和尚经过这里时看到有只黑虎卧于松顶,但当他走近时,老虎已不知去向,只留下这棵松树,于是这棵树便被称作为“黑虎松”。   约翰:听这些传说真有意思,能使我们更好地欣赏这些美景。   以上就是南昌美联英语小编为您整理的怎么用英语介绍黄山,建议大家多学多练,以增进英语口语能力为目标。  