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位置:北京资格考试培训资讯 > 北京外贸培训资讯 > 总算晓得确定运输地址与方式的外贸信函怎么写


日期:2019-10-01 12:55:19     浏览:59    来源:天才领路者
  确定运输地址与方式的外贸信函怎么写?在订单下达之后,不应着急发货,应当再次确认送货地址及对方公司需要的运输方式,并就相关问题作出协商,一起来看看,确定运输地址与方式的外贸信函怎么写?   Please send us by return full instructions for the five cases for Lon-don, as to contents, value, consignee and who pays all the charges.   请回信告知,这次运往伦敦的5箱货物的详细内容、价值、收货人,以及费用由谁负担。     Your instructions for the disposal of the undermentioned goods,which have arrived today from Mr. Abe, will oblige.   今天,我们已从阿部先生那里,收到下列货物,请告知如何处理,不胜感激。     The above order is now ready. Please give us forwarding instructionsas soon as possible   上述定购货物已备齐,请早日指示,如何发运。     We have received from Messrs. B. B. five cases cheese marked.Please hand us early instructions as to the disposal.   我们已从B. B.公司收到标有咬头的乳酪5箱,请立即告知如何处理。     Please ship my thirty bales cotton, now kept in your warehouse, to Messrs. Okada&Co.,and forward B/L to me.   请将保管在贵公司30包棉花,运交冈田公司,并将提单寄本公司。     In reply to your letter of the 15th May,please send ten bales of our goods,marked。1-10,by rail as soon as possible to our address, and the other ninety bales afterwards next steamer.   复贵公司5月15日来函,请将本公司的10包货物,尽快用火车运来,并请标注源头。1-10。其余90包,请用下次轮船运出。     Please ship as soon as possible seventy bales of goat skins, kept inyour warehouse, to Messrs. White&Co. in London, and send me the Billof Lading.   请速将保管在贵公司仓库的70包山羊板皮,运交伦敦的怀特公司,并将提单寄交我处。     更多商务英语资讯请进入【中山美联英语】http://www.edutt.com/member/zsml.html  更多商务英语培训请进入【中山商务英语培训】