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位置:培训资讯 > 总算知道英语作文写交通路灯该怎么做


日期:2019-10-03 12:31:01     浏览:112    来源:天才领路者
核心提示:交通灯有两种,给机动车看的叫机动车灯,通常指由红、黄、绿(绿为蓝绿)三种颜色灯组成用来指挥交通通行的信号灯。那你想知道英语作文写交通路灯该怎么做吗?下面是小编收集整理的一些英语作文写交通路灯,大家一起来看看吧! 英语作文写交通路灯该怎么做篇



In order to keep the road orderly and people safeeveryone should followthe traffic rules.When you walk you should walk at the side of the road.Always be carefuland look left and right before you cross the road.If you like ridingdon't run through the red traffic lights.

Don'tride too fast.If you driveyoushould slow down at thetraffic lightsyou must always wear a seat beltand you must never drink wine.When manypassengers are wait-ing for the busplease stand in line and wait foryourturndon't push others.Don't getoff the bus until it has stopped.Remember:Don't break the trafficrules.  




Traffic safety is everybody's business.Records show that every year a lot of people die in traffic accidents.Some of the accidents are due to mechanical problems.Howevermost of them are the results of careless and reckless drivingand could be avoided.A lot of people disregard traffic signals and rules.They drive regardless of speed limitsrun through red lightsdrive in the wrong directiontalk and laugh while drivingand turn as they wish without giving signals.They don't slow down while approaching crossroads.So many people violate traffic regulations that we cannot put too much emphasis on the importance of traffic safety.Only when everybody thinks traffic safety is everybody's business can we be safe driving on roads and walking on sidewalks.  


Yesterday morning, I heard a terrible news that my friend Allee was admitted to the hospital because of a car accident. The day before yesterday, Allee was going to bookstore to buy a book. He was very careful when he got to the crossroad. He crossed the street then the traffic light turned green. However, when he just went to the middle of the street, a car suddenly appeared at his right-hand side and came directly towards him. The driver drove fast and it was too late to dodge. Allee was knocked down by a few meters away. He was taken to the hospital immediately and had a surgery. Last night, I visited to him. He looked pale although he was out of danger.  


If you have ever been caught in the rain without an umbrella you should appreciate this innovative lamppost - because it doubles as a shelter.


The Lampbrella has been designed for those of us who get caught short by the elements.


Naturally, the clever device would be particularly helpful in Britain's unpredictable forecasts.


When the canopy's sensors detect rainfall the umbrella is deployed and if it is left unused for two minutes it will close again.


The Lampbrella's canopy, with a diameter of 7ft 2in and installed 6ft 5in from the ground, could comfortably shelter 10 to 12 people.


Belyaev, 27, from St Petersburg, Russia, said: "Once I was driving on a street in St Petersburg and saw the street lamps illuminating people trying to hide from the rain."


"I thought it would be appropriate to have a canopy built into a streetlamp. When it starts raining, the sensors sen d a signal to the electric drive, which opens the umbrella at a safe low speed."


"The umbrella then closes when a 360-degree motion sensor doesn't "see" any people under the canopy for 2 minutes."


Designer Mikhail Belyaev said he may opt for an alternative button operated system as it is currently in its concept stage.

设计师Mikhail Belyaev他可能会选择一个备用按钮驱动的方案。因为这项设计还处于概念状态。

The freelance Russian designer has already had interest in his product from a number of companies, and he hopes to begin production work on the Lampbrella in the next few months.


Belyaev added: "I'd like to see Lampbella installed all over the world - but it is necessary to solve all aspects of its safety first."


"I think it would be useful almost in every country, but especially in rainy England perhaps - I'd love to see it in London."


"From the comments I have received, people really like it, I didn't expect good such reaction."

