
天津环球艺盟(师资强 环境好)



全国统一学习专线 9:00-21:00

位置:学校资讯 > 香港理工设计难考吗,香港理工设计如何?学费生活费多少?


日期:2022-04-12 17:26:44     浏览:209    来源:天津环球艺盟(师资强 环境好)



哎……跟你一样困惑着,你是文科还是理科?据说理科比较难通过 ==你可以去【参考资料】网址看看我还找到这个关于作品集的说明,但是不知道网上申请要不要上传作品……求高人解答,一起加油吧~~Q: How many projects should I put in the portfolio? A: A maximum of FIVE and at least ONE of your best DESIGN projects done outside of your school work and a few small exercises. They should be able to your strengths in both concept creation as well as in execution.Q: What else to include? A: All the project briefs; idea and concept and design sketches; and anything that can show us how you tackled the problems during design processes. Note that all the works shown should be self- with or next to them.Q: What is the function of a portfolio in the admission? A: The portfolio should well your problem-solving skill, aesthetic sense, some basic technical skills such as drawings and 3D modeling as well as your skill ( of portfolio, tidiness, clarity of about your submitted work, easy to open and re-close,etc.)Q: Size of portfolio?A: The project works must be packed flat within a portfolio of maximum A1 size. Nothing should stick out of the portfolio.Q: Can I submit 3- work/models?A: No three- work/models should be submitted as we have no room for their storage and are not for any damage. Submit these in format instead. Q: Can I submit digital and/or video work?A: No, you are required to print out, on an A3 sheet in colour, a selection of frames from your digital/video files for the reference of the selection panel. Q: How do you know which is my portfolio?A: Please use the enclosed sheet to clearly mark your portfolio on the outside before you submit it. Please note: NO SHEET, NO ! All the work inside the portfolio should also be marked with your name and number just in case they got separated from your portfolio. Q: When should I submit my portfolio?A: You are required to submit by 15 May of the year. would be for telephone/skype interview in end June. Q: Will the school notify me after receiving my portfolio?A: Yes, it will notify you via email two weeks after receiving your portfolio.


还凑合 看自己经济能力了 伙食费:200-300RMB就足够了


学员评价ASK list

  • 未**评价:能够和好多的设计大师有一个近距离的接触,太酷了,感谢天津ACG国际艺术教育提供的机会。
    手机号码: 131****2829   评价时间: 2025-02-01
  • 未**评价:偶然一次机会来到ACG学习,感觉之前自己对艺术的理解还是太浅了,经过了ACG艺术教育老师的辅导,现在已经游客很大的观念转变,推荐学艺术的同学来这边学习。
    手机号码: 144****4654   评价时间: 2025-02-01
  • 王**评价:天津ACG艺术留学作品集课程价格方面还是比较合理的,毕竟师资啊、实力啊都不错
    手机号码: 159****6103   评价时间: 2025-02-01
  • 纪**评价:学习服装设计,是我从初中以来就有的梦想,感谢天津ACG艺术留学帮我圆梦,我的作品集做的非常出色,很多的招生官都表扬了我。
    手机号码: 151****7521   评价时间: 2025-02-01
  • 李**评价:天津ACG艺术留学培训学校的教学环境超级棒,上课氛围也很轻松,还能和*各地的学员们一起交流心得,交到了好多志同道合的小伙伴
    手机号码: 183****1956   评价时间: 2025-02-01
  • 未**评价:天津ACG国际艺术教育老师很棒呢,有很多专业性的东西能学到
    手机号码: 184****6227   评价时间: 2025-02-01

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