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位置:北京英语培训资讯 > 北京雅思培训资讯 > 终于晓得雅思新能源范文


日期:2019-10-06 14:56:16     浏览:236    来源:天才领路者
核心提示:能源危机通常会造成经济衰退,是一个全球性问题。在雅思写作中也有关于新能源的题材,那你知道雅思新能源范文有哪些吗?下面是小编收集整理的一些雅思新能源范文,大家一起来看看吧! 雅思新能源范文篇一:解决能源危机 Thereisnothingunu



There is nothing unusual about energy like coals and oils being consumed, principally because economic development depends on natural resources all the time. But what is happening today is extraordinary judged by the standards of the past. It is energy depletion on a massive scale and this problem is so knotty that should deserve our closer heed.

Amongst the diverse factors contributing to the energy crises around the world, government’s short-sighted policies and citizens’ extravagant use of automobiles are probably the two most significant ones. By presuming on their natural resources, quite a few countries, especially developing ones, are eager to develop their economy in order to gain an edge over their rivals. Admittedly, their intensive use of the energy facilitates, to some extent, the developments of other industries in short term. Additionally, the amount of private cars increases at such a breakneck speed that the petroleum used amounts to an intimidating proportion of the natural resources.

The consequences are undoubtedly disastrous for human beings. Although countries can boast their growth of GDP, their citizens have to endure the ever deteriorated environment with stinking gas belching from factories and vehicles, polluted water due to fuels infiltrating underground, even ultraviolet radiation in the absence of ozone layer and, therefore, their quality of life is by no means improved. Also, sustainable development can never come into true in this situation, meaning that our descendants can benefit nothing except sterile land and polluted air and water from their ancestors.

Therefore, our government must take serious steps to attack those problems. The first and foremost is that governments have to reverse their mindset and no longer deem the growth of GDP their first goal. Rather, the betterment of citizens’ quality of life should deserve more attention than the economic growth. Furthermore, the use of private cars should be discouraged by authorities, who must shoulder the responsibility of improving public transportation in order to facilitate people as well as release the burden of energy consumption.

In conclusion, to avoid the phrase “filthy rich” added to themselves, countries must pay more heed to the efficient use of their energy and the issue of environmental protection, while they develop their economy; otherwise, environmental apocalypse and energy crisis are feared to happen in the horizon.  




Write about the following topic:

Governments should make more effort to promote alternative sources of energy.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Model Answer:

It has been known for some time now that a move towards sources of energy which are not carbon-based is urgently required to stop the effects of global warming. In my view, there are too few governments who seem to be promoting the use of other types of energy such as wind, wave, solar and nuclear sources of energy.

Governments at present are too reliant on coil, oil and gas. Although some governments are doing research into the use of alternative energy sources, many are not. Energy from the wind, the sea and the sun does not pollute the environment and is an everlasting source of power. Nuclear power is clean, and although it is not totally unproblematic, it would provide a large amount of energy and dramatically improve the environment. Countries such as France have made good use of nuclear power.

My feeling is that more use could be made of wind power. In some countries, there has been a reluctance to use wind turbines, even in areas which are not densely populated, as some people believe they are eyesores. Personally, I believe they are not only useful, but beautiful as well. Governments should spend more time and effort promoting the benefits of this source of energy and trying to make the public understand the reason for change.

In conclusion, I believe that, if governments forced everyone to have a wind turbine and solar panels on the building they live in, made more use of wave power and built more nuclear power stations, then they would manage to avert the dangers that are seriously threatening the Earth.  


Task:Annual Energy Outlook 2008 about consumption of energy in the USA since 1980 with projection until 2030.


The graph shows consumption of energy in the U.S. since 1980 with projections through 2030.

The historical trends show Petrol and Oil as the major sources of fuel, rising from 35 quadrillion units used in 1980 to 42 quadrillion in 2012. Despite some fluctuation between 1980 and 1995, there was a steady increase, which is expected to continue, reaching 47 quadrillion in 2030.

Consumption of energy from natural gas and coal followed a similar pattern over the period. From 20 quadrillion and 15 quadrillion respectively in 1980, gas showed an initial fall and coal a gradual increase, with the two fuels equal between 1985 and 1990. Consumption has fluctuated since 1990 but both now provide 24 quadrillion. Coal consumption is projected to rise to 31quadrillion in 2030, whereas after 2014, natural gas is forecast to remain stable at 25 quadrillion.

In 1980, energy from solar/wind, nuclear, and hydropower was the least-used, with only 4 quadrillion. Nuclear has risen by 3 quadrillion, and solar/wind by 2. Since 2005, hydropower has fallen back to the 1980 figure. It is expected to remain approximately constant through 2030, while the others are projected to rise gradually after 2025.

Overall, fossil fuels will remain the chief energy source for the US, with a little bit of hydroelectric, nuclear and a smidgen of renewables like wind and solar.


The diagram below shows how solar panels can be used to provide electricity for domestic use.


The picture illustrates the process of producing electricity in a home using solar panels.

It is clear that there are five distinct stages in this process, beginning with the capture of energy from sunlight. The final two steps show how domestic electricity is connected to the external power supply.

At the first stage in the process, solar panels on the roof of a normal house take energy from the sun and convert it into DC current. Next, this current is passed to an inverter, which changes it to AC current and regulates the supply of electricity. At stage three, electricity is supplied to the home from an electrical panel.

At the fourth step shown on the diagram, a utility meter in the home is responsible for sending any extra electric power outside the house into the grid. Finally, if the solar panels do not provide enough energy for the household, electricity will flow from the utility grid into the home through the meter.
