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位置:北京语言培训资讯 > 北京英语培训资讯 > 总算知晓西餐餐桌礼仪英语对话


日期:2019-10-08 13:12:26     浏览:349    来源:天才领路者
  在进行日常生活英语口语的学习中,我们可以从网上下载的听、说、读、写的英语材料来进行学习。通过用生动的形象,真实的画面,优美动人的语言和音乐,刺激学习的兴趣和求知欲。而多学多练,进行英语口语的练习必不可少,沈阳美联英语小编为大家整理一些生活英语口语对话,希望大家可以从中获得需要的知识,本篇为您整理西餐餐桌礼仪英语对话。01 Classic Sentences经典句子   01.Dining in a Western restaurant, we have to learn a lot of dos and don'ts.   到西餐厅用餐,我们得多了解一些餐厅礼节。   02.Don't read at the table.   不要边吃饭边看书。   03.Don't gar以e with your soup.   不要用汤漱口。   04.No TV during dinner.   吃饭时不要看电视。   05.Chew with your mouth closed.   闭着嘴巴嚼食物。   06.Please keep the table clean.   请保持桌面干净。   07.Excuse me. I'll just get the phone.   对不起,我去接个电话。   08.Don't put your elbows on the table.   不要把手肘支在餐桌上。   09.Don't talk with your mouth full.   吃饭时不要总说话。   10.Excuse me for a minute.   我失陪一会儿。   11.Don't take huge mouthfuls of anything.   不管吃什么都不要过于大口。   12.Don't slurp your soup.   喝汤不要发出声音。   13.Put the bowl down gently.   轻轻地把碗放下。   02 Useful Dialogue实用对话   Differences of Table Manners   Linda: Hi, Maya. I want to invite a friend from America to have a western dinner on the weekend. So I want to ask you something.   Maya: What would you like to know?   Linda: I just don't understand the American table manners.   Maya: You should learn about some Chinese cultures, especially the table manners.   Linda: I think you are right. Can you tell me the differences between Chinese table manners and American table manners?   Maya: The most obvious difference is that they use knives and forks, but we use chopsticks.   Linda: Exactly. I know they often place the knife and spoon on the right of the plate. The fork is on the left.   Maya: You'd better keep your left hand under the table unless you use it in the process of cutting.   Linda: How can I know that he is full?   Maya: He will tell you that he is full. And if he puts knife and fork in a position on the plate looking like the hands of a clock at 5: 30, it means that he is finished.   Linda: There are really so many differences. Thank you.   Maya: You are welcome. 餐桌礼仪的不同之处   琳达:嗨,马雅。这个周末,我想请一位来自美国的朋友吃西餐。所以我想问你一些事。   马雅:你想知道什么?   琳达:我只是不太知道美国的餐桌礼仪。   马雅:你应该了解一些美国文化,特别是餐桌礼仪。   琳达:我想你说的没错。你能告诉我*餐桌礼仪和美国餐桌礼仪的不同之处吗?   马雅:显著的不同就是他们使用刀叉,而我们使用筷子。   琳达:的确是,我知道他们一般把餐刀和勺子放在盘子的右边,叉子在左边。   马雅:你比较好把左手放在桌子下面,除非你切食物的时候要用到左手。   琳达:我怎么才能知道他吃饱了呢?   马雅:他吃饱了的时候会告诉你的,如果他把刀和叉摆成时钟指针指在5: 30时的模样,那也表示他已经吃好了。   琳达:真是有很多不同,谢谢你。   马雅:不客气。     以上就是沈阳美联英语小编为您整理的西餐餐桌礼仪英语对话,沈阳美联英语常年开设商务英语,成人英语,英语口语等课程,欢迎大家进入沈阳美联英语首页进行详细了解与咨询。  