留学深造是很不错的选择,想要去英国留学,有关英国贝尔法斯特费用多少,接下来就随小编一起去了解下英国的贝尔法斯特皇后怎么样???各个方面~~ 谢谢~~~,贝尔法斯特女王*奖学金申请条件有哪些???
1.英国的贝尔法斯特皇后怎么样???各个方面~~ 谢谢~~~
现在去英国留学不合算了。 费用很贵,年约三十万。 新规定毕业后必须回国,不允许工作了。
贝尔法斯特女王*奖学金申请条件【原文】Queen’s /China Council Awards女王*/*奖学金理事会奖【原文】There will be up to 10 full PhD available for starting their studies in the 2014-15 academic year.Each Queen’s Belfast/China Council (CSC) award covers:? tuition fees? stipend? One economy class return journey to China2014-15学年入学的申请者学校会提供10种全额博士奖学金。贝尔法斯特女王*/*奖学金理事会奖(CSC)每一项均包括:国际留学生学费维护费用回国的返程经济舱机票费用【原文】资格条件【原文】(i) must be citizens of the People's Republic of China at the time of , and either resident in China or studying overseas. (Those working overseas are not eligible.)申请者在申请时必须是*人民共和国的公民,或是在*永久居住或在海外学习(在海外工作的不具有此资格)。【原文】(ii) must return to China upon of their degree.(1) 成功的申请者必须在完成学位时返回*。【原文】Criteria标准【原文】The required minimum academic are an Bachelor degree with an average of 75% or above and a Master’s degree with an average of 75% awarded by a Project 985 or Project 211 .*的学历标准是必须有985或211工程*本科的学士学位,平均分不低于75%,硕士学位平均分不低于75%。【原文】 who do not have a Master’s degree, but who hold very high grades in their Bachelor degrees may be on a case-by-case basis at the of the relevant School.没有硕士学位的申请者,但是如果在本科学士学位的分数非常高,也可以依据不同的情况由相关定夺。【原文】 currently in first year of PhD programme at Project 985 or 211 , or who are currently employed in China, are eligible to apply if they also meet the criteria above.目前为985或211工程*的就读*年博士课程的申请者,或是在国内已经工作了的申请者,如果达到以上的相关标准也具有申请资格。【原文】 who have been studying outside China must hold the of a UK Bachelor Honours degree Second Class Upper Division (2:1) or better, and good grades at Master’s level.如果是在*以外学习的申请者则必须持有英国二等荣誉学位偏上(2:1)或更高的资格证明,硕士学位分数优秀。【原文】By the deadline for receipt of to Queen’s (31 January 2014), must have met the English language (IELTS or TOEFL) for their chosen degree programme (see below).女王*接受申请的截止日期(2014年1月31日)时,申请者必须已经达到了他们所选学位课程(参见下面的要求)的英语语言要求(雅思或托福)。原文来源: