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位置:培训资讯 > 总算清楚少儿英语故事:Dog-gie'-s-Funeral狗狗的葬礼


日期:2019-10-12 13:04:43     浏览:160    来源:天才领路者
核心提示:少儿英语故事:Doggie'sFuneral狗狗的葬礼 Doggie'sFuneralThisrichmandiedandleftinhiswillthatwhenhisdogdiedhewastohaveafuneralandwhoeve
  少儿英语故事:Dog gie' s Funeral狗狗的葬礼     Dog gie' s Funeral   This rich man died and left in his will that when his dog died he was to have afuneral and who ever did the funeral would get a million dollars.When the dog died ,the executor  started asking various faiths of the cloth if they would do the funeral.All refused. Finally he asked this old country preacher if he would do the funeral. "Why Brother?Idon' tdodogs' funerals!"  "OK" the executor replied, "But the one who does this funeral will get a fat one million dollars!" The preacher replied, " Now wait a minute, you didn't tell me this dog was a Christian"     狗狗的葬礼   有位富人死了,他的遗嘱中说如果自己的狗将来死了要举行葬礼,承办葬礼的人将得到100万美元。狗死了之后,遗嘱执行人问了很多教士是否愿意为狗办葬礼,但都被拒绝了.后他问一位年老的乡村牧师是否愿意为狗办丧事。乡村牧师说:“你干嘛还要费事问我呢?我才不给狗办丧事呢!”遗嘱执行人回答说:“但是为这条狗办丧事的人可以得到整整100万美元呢!”牧师回答说:“等等。你刚才没告诉我这条狗是基督徒.基督徒的葬礼我是做的。”