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位置:北京语言培训资讯 > 北京英语培训资讯 > 总算清楚公司面试英语


日期:2019-10-15 19:05:42     浏览:169    来源:天才领路者
  对话范例   A:David.how is your interview?   B:I was nervous at that time.What about you?   A:Just fine.I tried to answer every question raised by HR carefully.I found some answering skills are useful .These questions are different from exams.   B: We can have a rest now after this tough interview.   A:Don't be rush.It is suggested to write a letter for the Personnel Department of Future Clothes Company.   B: Sounds like a good idea.And I think this can leave deep impression to HR .How can we write a suitable letter?   A:Just to show your gratitude to the chance and tell them your impression on the company. And you can mention some details in your own interview to remind them of you.   B:I am getting to know your meaning.   A:大卫.你的面试怎么样?   B:当时我特别紧张。你呢?   A:还好吧。我尽量仔细回答人力资源部主管提出的每个问题。我发现学习一些回答问题的技巧是非常有用的。而且而试中的问题和考试中的问题大不一样的。   B:紧张的面试过后,我们可以休息休息了。   A:别急啊。听人家说比较好给Future服装公司的人力资源部写封信。   B:听起来是个好主意。我认为这会给面试官留下深刻的印象。可是我们怎么才能写一封合适的追击信呢?   A:就是对公司给予面试机会表示感


    常用例句   I would like to talk with you regarding your qualification for this position.   我想就你是否可以胜任这一工作跟你谈一谈。   How would you describe yourself?   你怎么描述你自己呢?   What is your greatest weakness?   哪一门是你的弱项呢?   Where do you picture yourself in three years?   你对自己未来3年有什么规划吗?   Do you have any experience in sales teaching?   你有销售/教书的经验吗?   Do you have a boyfriend?   你有男朋友吗?(这个问题可不会因为你有男朋友或者没有就会对你整个人否决,而是在判断面试人是否有诚信的美德。).          短文鉴赏     4 Steps for a Successful Job Interview   If you go step by step in doing everything. you will feel relaxed and easy. so be-fore attending your job interview, you had better follow the four steps below.   The first step is to learn more about the company and the job. In this stage. you should prepare for everything you can find from the company's background, the potential job. and its qualification and requirements.   The second step is to arm to teeth. The day before the interview, you ought to dress appropriately and neatly and make a schedule to make sure you can arrive at the location before the interview begins. Remember to have a light dish before the interview.   The third step is to leave a sound and deep impression to your HR. Please don't forget to greet your interviewer politely when you come into the office. When asked questions.you should listen to each of the questions and do not interrupt.Your answers to every question must be honest and clear and don't be exaggerating.   The last step is to write a follow-up letter to express your gratitude for the interviewer and show your decision to do the job better than others.       成功就业面试四步走   如果你做每一件事的时候都是有条不紊的话.那么你就会感到十分轻松和愉悦.   所以在参加职场面试之前.比较好还是按照以下四步行事。   *步就是事前做功课.了解公司情况和工作情况。在这一阶段.应准备了解有关公司背景,应聘职位情况,以及应聘该职位的资历和公司要求。   第二步则要武装到牙齿。在面试的前一天,应注意衣着得体并做出详细计划以确保在面试开始之前到达现场。记住参加面试之前别忘了饮食要清淡。   第三步则是要给面试官留下良好而深刻的印象。在进人面试现场时,别忘了礼貌地向面试官打招呼。当面试官发问时,则要仔细聆听每一个问题,并不要打断对方的提问。除此之外,针对每一个问题的回答都要诚实清晰,切忌夸大其词。   后一步则是在面试结束之后,记着给面试官追加一份感谢信,表明自己做好该项工作的决心并展现出自己的优势。