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位置:培训资讯 > 总算知道描写温州的英语作文


日期:2019-10-15 20:17:25     浏览:857    来源:天才领路者
核心提示:温州是*历史文化名城,素有东南山水甲天下之美誉。在英语中也有关于描写温州的作文题材,那你想知道描写温州的英语作文怎么写吗?下面是小编收集整理的一些描写温州的英语作文,大家一起来看看吧! 描写温州的英语作文篇一: Myhometown,We



My hometown, Wenzhou is a prefecture-level city in southeastern Zhejiang province People's Republic of China. The area under its jurisdiction which includes two satellite cities and six counties had a population of 7.7 millions. About 2 millions residents live in Wenzhou's city proper. It borders Lishui to the west Taizhou to the north and looks out to the East China Sea on its eastern coast.

我的家乡温州是一个*浙江省西南部的地级市。该市管辖两个卫星城和6个县,有7.7 百万人口。大约有2百万人住在市区。四面个丽水接壤,北面紧邻台州,东面展望东海。

The coast of Wenzhou is rich in natural resources. The long coastline gives the city abundant marine resources and many beautiful islands. Dongtou one of the counties in Wenzhou is also called the “County of one hundred islands”. Wenzhou also boasts wonderful landscapes with rugged mountains and tranquil waters including three state-level scenic spots namely the Yandang Mountain the Nanxi River and the Baizhangji Fall-Feiyun Lake and two national nature reserves namely the Wuyanling Ridge and the Nanji Islands

温州的海滩富有自然资源。 长的海岸线提供了大量的海洋资源和很多漂亮的岛屿。 东头是温州的一个县,被称为百岛国。 温州还有很多迷人的风景,比如奇骏的山峰和恬静的水。包括三个高级旅游景点,分别为雁荡山,南溪和百丈漈。还有两个高级自然保护区,分别为乌岩岭和南麂岛。

Beside the nature resource and beautiful view Wenzhou is also a prosperous foreign treaty port which provide billions of dollar's income to our country. I welcome everyone come to my hometown and hope you will enjoy here.

除了自然资源和美丽的风景。温州也是一个国际贸易港口,为我国提供数以十亿计的收入。 我欢迎每个人都到我的家乡来并希望你们能够喜欢这里。  

