“商务对话”以适应职场生活的商务英语口语对话为目的,内容涉及到商务活动的多个方面。商务英语更多地是传授一种西方的企业管理理念、工作心理,如何和外国人打交道,如何和他们合作、工作的方式方法等等。沈阳韦博英语小编为您整理:英语面试自我介绍。 英语面试自我介绍-表示感谢 Thank you for giving me this opportunity. I appreciate it very much. 谢谢您给我这个机会,我非常珍惜它。 英语面试自我介绍-介绍学历 My undergraduate degree was in linguistics. 我的本科学位是语言学。 I am a graduate of..., with an MBA Degree in… 我毕业于……*,拥有工商管理学硕士学位,主修…… 英语面试自我介绍-介绍从业经历和能力 Let me quickly highlight some of my relevant experiences. 请让我简要叙述一下我的相关工作经历。 After university, I went on to… *毕业后,我继续…… I have experience in the... field of over... years,which includes experience with both domestic and international companies. 我在……领域有……年的工作经验,曾就职于国内和国际公司。 I have eight years experience with ABC.我 曾在ABC公司工作了8年。 I learn quickly. 我善于学习。 I understand how a designer works. 我理解设计师的工作方式。 I am comfortable working under deadlines. 我能胜任时间性强的工作。 英语面试自我介绍-表达理念和意愿 I would like to apply for the position of… 我有意申请……职位。 believe in the same things that your company believes in. 我和贵公司有着相同的理念。 英语面试自我介绍-情景对话 对话场景:马歇尔在面试现场做白我介绍。他分别从几个方面向面试官证明:我就是你们要找的人。 句型重点:面试中自我介绍的说法。 My name is Marshall Manson and I have over ten years experience in the marketing field, which includes experience with both domestic and international companies. Not only have I worked in marketing for years,but for nine years, I worked for educational publishing houses like yours. In addition, as a native French speaker who has studied a number of languages, I' m familiar with the language books that your company and your competitors produce. I' m interested in working for your company because I believe in the same things that your company believes in. Education is something everyone should invest in. In this day and age, it is especially important for everyone to learn English or another foreign language. Without my education or foreign language skills, I don't know where I would be. But it's more than just my interest in learning that makes me a suitable candidate for this job. My undergraduate degree was in linguistics, where I learned first-hand the struggles that all language students go through. After university, I went on to teach English to students in Beijing. It was then that I knew that I wanted to work in education. But after a few years as a teacher, I found that I was quite interested in ethical marketing and went back to school to do a further degree in marketing. I eventually worked my way into a job as a marketer for a major educational publishing house. I'm a hard worker. I'm competent. I'm experienced. And if you give me the opportunity to join your team, I think I would be a key employee in your department. Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to come in and talk to you today. 英语面试自我介绍-情景对话译文 我叫马歇尔·曼森,在营销领域有I 0多年的工作经验,曾就职于国内国际公司。除了在营销领域有多年的经验外,我也曾在像贵公司这样的教育出版社工作过9年。此外,作为一个学习了其他若干种语言以法语为母语的人,我还相当熟悉贵公司和你们的竞争对手们出版的语言类书籍。 我对为贵公司工作很感兴趣,因为我们有着相同的理念。教育是每个人都应该投资的事业。在当今时代,学会英语或其他一门外语对每个人都尤为重要。如果不是接受了教育和懂得外语,我就不知道我能在哪里立足。 对学习的兴趣并不是我能成为这份职位的合适人选的罕有的理由。我的本科学位是语言学,我亲身体验了学语言的学生们所要经历的一切困难。*毕业后,我在北京教英语。就在那时候,我知道了我想在教育领域工作。但是当了几年老师后,我发现自己对伦理营销很感兴趣,因此我又回到学校进修营销方面的学位。终,我进入了一个大型教育出版社工作,开始了我在营销领域的职业生涯。 我勤奋能干,也有着丰富的经验。如果有机会加入你们的团队,我想我会成为*中重要的一员。非常感谢今天您给我这次机会来面试并与您交谈。 以上就是:英语面试自我介绍的商务英语情景对话。沈阳韦博英语搜罗各种商务英语情景对话,助你完成由菜鸟到高手的完美蜕变,汇集经典、全面、实用的商务英语会话表达。