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日期:2022-05-09 19:17:47     浏览:301    来源:南京新东方雅思托福培训中心





  1.…reach a plateau开始停滞。  【例】Sales have now reached a plateau.  销售额已开始停滞不前。  2…stabilise at……在…水平保持不变  【例】The inflation rate at a high level these years.  这些年通货膨胀率一直保持在一个高水平。 3.…remain unchanged保持不变  【例】Twenty years later,although the number of men remain unchanged,the number of women rose to 350,000.  二十年后,尽管男性的数量保持不变,可女性的数量却大幅上升到350,000.  4.…appear to level off and remain constant at…变得稳定并…保持不变 塑块 【例】From 1990 until about 1995,energy demand appeared to level off and remain constant at about two units of energy.  从1990年至1995年,能源需求变得稳定,在大约两单位的需求量处保持不变。 5…continue to stagnate…继续停滞离改选  【例】 continued to stagnate,after 12 years growth.  工业生产值在经历了12年的迅猛增长后,有开始持续停滞不前。  6. …level out稳定在一个水平上  【例】In 1985,earnings leveled out amongst people with a Master’sdegree and with a Doctoral degree.  在1985年,拥有硕士学位的人和拥有博士学位的人,收入稳  定在同一水平。  7.…fluctuate between…and...在…到…之间波动  【例】The annual growth rate between 1%and 2%during the ten-year period.  在这十年间,人口的年增长率在1%至2%之间波动。  8there is/was little change in……方面几乎没彩棍有变化  【例】There was little change in people’s spending habits between August where it remained steady at around 35%.  从八月到十月人们的小费习惯几乎没有变化,维持在大约35%




For many years, people all over the world have been arguing about the purpose of education. Some contend that education is mainly meant to prepare people to become useful members for the society, while others believe that people receive education in order to realize their dreams. My opinion is that these two views are more than .Ours is a highly complex society which, in order to function, needs people expertise, and education is certainly the best way for the society to get these people. For instance, schools help train people who know how to operate machines in factories and graduates from foreign languages can serve as a bridge between two nations who would otherwise be unable to with each other. It is indeed to imagine what our society would be like without education.For , however, education is important for them to achieve their personal ambition. That is actually what people pay their education for. A man who dreams of becoming an astronaut must receive strict training in an aviation school and he who wishes to become a banker ought to be equipped with knowledge about banking by studying at a financial . It is, therefore, to conclude that one of the primary purposes of education is to make people into what they aspire to.In my view, the social function and function of education are actually the same and one thing. When education has fulfilled its function of making ’s personal dreams come true, its function of creating useful members for the society is fulfilled as well.


学员评价ASK list

  • 胡**评价:新东方英语教学点很多,我在网上了解到中山东路校区,距离我家很近。报的也是小班课,效果挺不错的,老师很负责。能够取得不错的成绩也很感恩,后续会继续接受强化班的培训,正确考到7分
    手机号码: 139****3721   评价时间: 2025-03-06
  • 未**评价:托福备考的词汇量,还有备考的时间都是比较紧张的,在新东方托福培训的班级,能找到比较快 速的学习方式,高效备考,老师很专业,解答问题轻松,及时解决我备考的难题。
    手机号码: 178****3298   评价时间: 2025-03-06
  • 朱**评价:我想考雅思但是自制力太差,走读上学校学习回家也总玩手机,培训效果根本不明显,一狠心就报 名了新东方的暑假封闭班,在学校和同学一起同吃、同住、一起学习什么也不想,培训结果也很满意
    手机号码: 132****7092   评价时间: 2025-03-06
  • 陈**评价:南京新东方英语校区地址还是很好找的,我去的是奥莱城校区,直接在家附近坐公交车过去的,很方便。周边的商圈设施、文娱等都是很多的。但是教室内却是很安静的,环境不错。
    手机号码: 189****5992   评价时间: 2025-03-06
  • 未**评价:想要提升一下自己的英语水平,冲一冲雅思,但是一直在纠结选择哪家,后来决定来了南京新东方英语,果然没有让我失望,老师的讲课很有一套,对于英语的学习也会要给我们一些他们自己研究出来的方法,确实很适合我这种英语不太好的又想快速提升英语能力的人。
    手机号码: 182****4274   评价时间: 2025-03-06

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