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位置:培训资讯 > 总算领会六年级英语过去时态练习题


日期:2019-10-23 14:45:34     浏览:206    来源:天才领路者
核心提示:时态是极具英语特色的一种动词形态,过去发生的动作要用过去时态,将来发生的动词要用将来时态,正在进行的动作要用进行时态,等等。下面是小编收集整理的六年级英语过去时态练习题,大家一起来看看吧! 六年级英语过去时态练习题: 一般过去时习题 1.T
时态是极具英语特色的一种动词形态,过去发生的动作要用过去时态,将来发生的动词要用将来时态,正在进行的动作要用进行时态,等等。下面是小编收集整理的*英语过去时态练习题,大家一起来看看吧!   *英语过去时态练习题:   一般过去时习题   1. The discussion ____ alive when an interesting topic was brought in.   A. was coming B. had come C. has come D. came   解析:答案选 D。由when…was brought in可知,come也是过去发生的事,用一般过去时。句意是:当引入一个有趣的话题时,那场讨论又变得活跃起来。   2. She ______her hairstyle in her hometown before she came to Chongqing for a better job.   A. would change B. has changed C. changed D. was changing   解析:答案选 C。由came可知,她已来重庆了,而改变发型是在来重庆之前,即过去的过去,按理要用过去完成时,但before已经表明紧接着发生的先后两个动作,所以也可用一般过去时,所以选C。  


  3. What we used to think ______ impossible now does seem possible.   A. is B. was C. has been D. will be   解析:答案选 B。根据句中的used to可知,空格处应填一般过去时。句意为:我们过去认为不可能的现在都似乎有可能成为现实。   4. It is said that the early European playing-cards ______ for entertainment and education.   A. were being designed B. have designed   C. have been designed D. were designed   解析:答案选 D。解答此题的关键是要抓住early这一形容词。early European playing-cards的意思是“早期欧洲人玩的扑克牌”,既然是“早期”,肯定就是过去的事了,所以用一般过去时。   5. I ______ in London for many years, but I’ve never regretted my final decision to move back to China.   A. lived B. was living  C. have lived D. had lived   解析:答案选 A。许多同学一看到后面的have never regretted为现在完成时,同时选项C也是现在完成时,结果滥用时态呼应,将答案误选C。其实,此题的*答案是A。句中but后的句子告诉我们,说话者现在已搬回了上海,所以他住在伦敦应属于过去的事情,故应用一般过去时。   过去完成时习题:   1. The policeman’s attention was suddenly caught by a small box which ______ placed under the Minister’s car.   A. has been B. was being C. had been D. would be   分析:C。因为这个小盒子“被放在部长车下”发生在“引起警察注意”之前,即“过去的过去”,所以用过去完成时。     2. Susan decided not to work on the program at home because she didn’t want her parents to know what she ______.   A. has done B. had done C. was doing D. is doing   分析:C。因decided和didn’t want都是过去式,排除选项A和D; 因“做”发生在“决定”之后,而不是之前,不能用过去完成时,排除选项B。   3. —Hurry up! Alice and Sue are waiting for you at the school gate.   —Oh ! I thought they ______ without me.   A. went B. are going C. have gone D. had gone   分析:D。因为thought(原以为)是过去,他们“走了”就是“过去的过去”,所以用过去完成时。   过去进行时习题:   1. I ______ along the street looking for a place to park when the accident ______.   A. went; was occurring B. went; occurred   C. was going; occurred D. was going; had occurred   分析:答案为C。*空用过去进行时,表示过去正在发生的情况; 第二空用一般过去时,表示过去突然发生的一件事。   2. —I saw Jane and her boyfriend in the park at eight yesterday evening.   —Impossible. She ______ TV with me in my home then.   A. watched B. had watched C. would watch D. was watching   分析:答案为 D。表示过去正在进行的动作,用过去进行时。第二句的意思是:不可能。她当时与我一起在我家看电视。   一般过去时表现在:   (1) 少数动词want, wonder, think, hope, intend等的一般过去时表示委婉的现在。如:   Did You Want to tell me something? 你想告诉我什么吗?。   I wondered if you could have a word with me. 请问您能否和我谈一谈。   I thought you might like some flowers. 我想您也许想要些花。   I hoped you could help me with my English. 我希望你能帮我学英语。   (2) 在宾语从句中,因时态呼应的关系,可用一般过去时表示现在。如:   I didn’t know you were in London. How long have you been here? 我不知道你在伦敦,你在这儿多久了?   I clearly forgot it was my birthday today. 我确实忘了今天是我的生日。