雅思小作文饼状图怎么写?饼状图用圆和扇面来表示总量和各分量之间的比例关系。 北京朗阁雅思资深老师认为:描写饼状图中的比例构成是饼状图写作的重点,但是这种描述并不是对图形的简单说明,对各项数据的描述应在归纳的基础上有条理地进行。 在饼状图作文的写作过程中还应注意的是,题目有可能不要求对某些分扇面进行分析,那就不要描写这部分了,以免跑题。另外,考生写作时不必一一介绍各项数据。考生不仅要善于找数据,更重要的是还要善于从数据中找出规律和本质。 雅思小作文饼状图怎么写?北京朗阁雅思资深老师概括出饼状图作文的写作要点: 分析扇量,同类相比;归纳整理,找出规律;如有多图,分清关系。 ·介绍各个扇面及其之间的总体关系。 ·比较各个扇面以及同类扇面在不同时间和不同地点的情况。 ·重点描写特点明显的扇面:、小的或成倍数关系的扇面等。 例题:The pie charts below shows the types of work occupied by people from Province A and Province B in Beijing. Write a report describing the information in the charts below. The two pie charts show the proportion of people from Provinces A and B working in various fields in Beijin.[点题] Most of the people from Province A do business.They account for 70%of the total, which is seven times as much as people from Province B, who account for only 10%.On the contrary, most people from Province B do domestic service in Beijing,making up 67%of the total while the proportion of those from Province A who do the same work is only 8%, much less than those from Province B. [作比较性分析] It is interesting to see that the proportion of those from the two provinces whose occupation is architecture both account for one fifth of the total population of the two provinces working in Beijing. [描述相同点] In conclusion, the two charts show clearly that although people from the two provinces do almost the same types of work in Beijing, the proportions of people who do the same work vary significantly. [作总结概括]