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日期:2022-10-27 19:38:45     浏览:661    来源:天才领路者
核心提示:昆明三面环山,南濒*,*是云南省高原湖泊,*第六大淡水湖泊,沿湖两岸风光绮丽。那你想知道写昆明的英语作文怎么写吗?下面是小编收集整理的一些写昆明的英语作文,大家一起来看看吧! 写昆明的英语作文1: KunmingBriefIntrod



Kunming Brief Introduction

Kunming,as the capital city of Yunnan,serves as the center of the province in terms of politics,economics and culture.Although a huge city (population 3.75 million),Kunming is exceptionally clean and tidy.What's more,the city has the best climate of all Chinese cities,popularly known as the "Spring City".Kunming does not have severe winters or hot summers and the natural features of the four seasons are clearly defined.

Although the city is not the final destination for many travelers to Yunnan,Kunming has a lot to offer visitors.The rich cultural and historical heritage here offer a wealth of treasures.The Golden Temple Park and the Bamboo Temple are essential stops on the tourist route.

The city also boasts numerous natural attractions,the Stone Forest being the most popular,winning world fame for of its breathtaking beauty.

Another fascinating aspect of the city are the many different cultures and nationalities thriving here.Various cultural and religious activities are practiced by the people here and add to the vibrancy and color of Kunming city life.These different minority groups produce a wealth of cuisine and entertainment- inspirational to the weary China traveler.

As early as 2000 years ago,Kunming served as a major textile distribution center on the "Southern Silk Road" which started from Sichuan,traversed through Yunnan and continued on to Vietnam.In 1910,the Dianyue railway (from Yunnan to Vietnam) was opened,thus enabling Kunming to develop as a business and industrial center.

Tourism is now one of the major incomes here.  

