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位置:北京英语培训资讯 > 北京雅思培训资讯 > 终于晓得关于驾驶与交通的雅思常用口语对话


日期:2019-11-03 11:53:13     浏览:319    来源:天才领路者
  “马路杀手”是极端危险的,所以人们都需要非常勤奋练习和努力地把交通规则掌握好。以下是由北京朗阁雅思小编为您整理的关于驾驶与交通的雅思常用口语对话。  1. Do you have a driver's license? When did you get your driver's license?   你有驾照吗?你什么时候拿到驾照的?   Yes,I do. I got it when I was 21. In China in order to get a license,everyone has to take a computer-based test as well as a road test. Both tests are quite challenging. Since cars are a potential lethal weapon .people need to be very diligent and put in a lot of effort to fully familiarize themselves with traffic rules. I've passed my driving tests for sometime now and drive regularly.   我有驾照,在21岁的时候拿到的。在*,要得到驾照.需要通过机考和实地路考。   考试的内容很有挑战性。因为“马路杀手”是极端危险的,所以人们都需要非常勤奋练习和努力地把交通规则掌握好。我之前已经通过考试了,现在经常驾车出行。   星级词汇:   lethal adj.致命的   familiarize vt.使熟悉     weapon n.武器          2. Do you think it's important to pay attention to safety when driving?   你觉得驾驶的时候要注意安全吗?   Yes,without question. As a driver. I think that not only personal safety is crucial,butone must keep in mind the safety of other passengers。pedestrians.and other drivers. Ibelieve that negligent behavior, such as drinking and driving, running a red light and soon should carry consequences along with it.   毫无疑问,一定要的。作为司机,不仅自己的生命安全非常重要,乘客、行人和其他司机的安全也非常重要。我认为司机的大意行为,比如酒后驾车和闯红灯等,都应受到法律制裁。   星级词汇:   pedestrian n .行人   negligent adj.疏忽的   3. How do you usually go to school/work?   你一般怎么去上学/上班?   Students:I bike to school every day. Most students bike to class due to the library and other teaching buildings being so far apart from our dorms. Riding a bike is a convenient mode of transport and is good exercise.   Workers:I take the bus/subway to work every day.  My workplace is quite far from where I live,so I have to take public transport to get there. Fortunately,I live in an urban area,where there are subways running regularly and the stop is a short walk from my apartment. It is also a good way to catch up on some reading.   学生:我每天骑车上学。我们学校的多数同学都骑车去上课,因为图书馆和教学楼离宿舍有一段距离。骑自行车很方便,又能健身。   员工:我每天坐公交车/地铁上班。我的公司离我家有一段距离.因此我都使用公共交通工具去上班。还好我住在城里,地铁都很准时,地铁站离我家也非常近。在路上我还能读一些东西。   4. How good is the public transport system in your city?   你城市的公共交通系统怎么样?   My city has a quite advanced public transport system. You can get on the bus just about at every corner around the city.  Since it is so convenient,most local residents prefer to utilize this mode of transport. Furthermore,our city is currently working on a subway system to relieve traffic congestion in the city center.  Lastly,our municipality has openedup a public bike program. There are stations to rent bikes for a nominal fee. When you'redone riding,you can just drop it off at the nearest bike station. Life is more relaxing and less stressful with all of these modes to get around the city.   我所在的城市公共交通系统挺先进的。我们城市有公交车。公交线路基本遍布整个城市。公交车非常方便,是多数市民选择的交通方式。其次,我们城市正在建地铁,以缓解市中心的堵车问题。后,我们城市开设了自行车租借站,超低价就可以租借公共自行车,使用完停放在近的租借站就可以。在我们城市出行很轻松和省心。   以下是由北京朗阁雅思小编为您整理的关于驾驶与交通的雅思常用口语对话的全部内容。