1、Call模式-计算机辅助语言教学 (Computer-Assisted Language Learning) 通过学员上机和教师指导相结合的方式,将以教师为主导的知识传授型教学模式转变为以学生为主体的能力培养型教学模式。让学生从被动的知识接受者转变为认知的主体、语言的积极构建者。
2、沉浸式母语环境:韦博英语在十多年英语培训过程的经验积累中,由英语为母语的外籍资深TESOL 认证教师以及丰富海外背景的中籍语言专家的共同努力,让你沉浸在犹如英语母语的 语言环境中,彻底摆脱哑巴英语的困境,脱口而出一口流利英语。
慈溪韦博英语好吗? 慈溪韦博英语培训为学员提供专业、全面、优质的商务英语课程,每个课程都有等级划分,而学员们要达到这些阶段,需要采取不同的步骤。每一个步骤都会根据学员的实际情况制定合适的学习方案,使整个课程成为一个梯进的学习过程。 以全新的办学宗旨和教学理念,开展独特新颖的教学模式,高档、简洁的教学环境,为高层次人士提供专业高档的外语学习中心。 韦博国际英语采用先进的多媒体教学与外教4人以下小班授课相结合的教学模式,创造了一个如同置身海外、受所有学习英语成功者推崇的——真实的英语母语环境。自由无限的学习时间让学员消除了怕影响工作没时间学习的顾虑,贴身的双语课程顾问随时解答你学习过程中的任何问题。☆优质的师资
SANDY1、My working experience:.In 10 years I have learned so much about different cultures Particular Chinese culture. Chinese students give me plenty reasons to never give up on them they are simply my My motivation.I will continue to assist them as long as I am here. 2、My teaching style:Depends on the needs of diverse students at different learning levels. 3、My best courses:I love teaching students of all levels and various course assigned to me;I have a Passion for caring for special needs students;I am extremely enthusiastic about web International ENG School's focus on integrating students and teaching life skills 4、Besides Teaching, I have strong passion for modeling, 2009"Miss Natural" From beauty pageant Miss Africa In China.
[图片3]ALlNA C. WOINAROSKYI have worked with children as young as pre-school-aged through high school, in various subjects, as well as with both children and adults in an ESL environment I have also given seminars and workshops on teaching and learning styles, curriculum, and various other topics related to education. While I worked in education management for several years, I prefer teaching. [图片4]Michael 1、My working experience:7years of working .I was impressed with the skills of the Chinese friends at home in the USA I moved to China to experience the people here and do my best to help them achieve their goals in English. 2、My teaching style:Let the students talk 3、My best courses:I like all class levels and seeing student advance through their levels is rewarding for me 4、I enjoy photography playing guitar and singing, watching movies, playing PSP games and electrinics ☆学员风采 [图片5]周云根我在一家涉外建筑公司的营业*(业务推进)工作,经常需要和不同肤色的客户打交道,虽然有专业的翻译,但是我觉得如果自己懂一些英语会对客户沟通带来很大的帮助方向。
[图片6] 赵春雨5年前,或许和你一样,他只是一名普通的公司职员,因为需要用英语和客户交流被老板派来学习英语,带着期待和美好的愿望,在韦博开始了长达5年的英语学习之旅。
[图片7] 慈溪商务英语课程全部由外籍教师授课,结合先进的多媒体教育技术,采用先进的多媒体教学与外教4人以下小班授课相结合的教学模式,创造了一个如同置身海外、受所有学习英语成功者推崇的——真实的英语母语环境;还有贴身的双语课程顾问随时解答你学习过程中的任何问题。 英语体验课,200个名额,免费申请 [图片8] 相关文章: 慈溪韦博英语好吗? 慈溪韦博英语在哪里? 慈溪商务英语培训怎么样 慈溪成人英语培训哪里比较好 慈溪职场英语好不好 慈溪青少年英语去哪学