很多考生在回答问题时,总是过多使用某些词汇,如连词and, so, because和but等;话语标志词right, of course和as you know等;形容词good, beautiful和big等。用得很滥的词还有动词like和communicate等。深圳启德教育老师提示实际上,考生完全可以用其他的词代替,如用love和enjoy来适当地替换like,复杂一点的,还可以用prefer…和would rather来表述.而have a nice talk with, chat, telephone和e-mail完全可以形象而具体地表达communicate的意思。
用词错误是常见的问题之一。比如说,英语为母语的人使用of course时,意在引出众所周知或广为接受的事情。但在考场上,若考官问一位25岁的女士Are you married?这一问题时,这位女士可能会脱口而出地宣布:
.C: Of course, I am married.(注:C=Candidate,全书同。)这里的of course就是用词不当,因为一位25岁的女士很可能还是单身呢。这一错误显然是受汉语习惯的影响而造成的。
·absorbed in her kindness and reliability—一为她的善良和诚信所吸引(attracted by her kind-ness and honesty)(注:括号中为正确表达,下同)·enlarge your eyesight 一一拓宽视野(broaden your vision)·taste the experience—一体验(experience)·touch new things—接触新事物(have access to / be exposed to new things)这些似是而非的表达英语*人士听起来特别生硬,因为这些表达在他们的口常对话中是不太可能听到的。又如:
" C: Many people in China cannot accept rock music.一—很多*人不能接受摇滚音乐。
深圳启德教育老师提示这句中的cannot accept应该换成do not like或cannot stand,也可以用understand代替。我们可以说:I cannot understand her. She is not normally sad.(我不能理解她,她的悲伤不太正常。)一give entertainment—提供娱乐(provide entertainment)·simple people—一普通人(ordinary people)·popular problem一—常见问题(comnnion problem)·funny—一逗乐(amusing / make someone laugh)这是*考生经常用错的一些表达。究其原因还是考生仍旧沿用汉语习惯去翻译,或者只是根据一些整套的英汉词典的释义去生搬硬套,而不注意单词不同的搭配用法(collocation) ,由于汉语中没有词形变化(词尾屈折变化),如“学习”一词,不论用作动词还是名词,都是以同一形式出现,而它在英语中的很多情况下都是依赖词缀变化体现不同的词性和用法的。因此,*考生经常不能准确地区分词性。不能区分名词、形容词、副词和动词等的不同用法往往会导致用词上的混乱。例如:
. This is very importance.—这很重要。(This is very important.)·There is a big different between them.—他们之间有一个很大的不同。(There is a big differ-ence between them.)
·He's very success.一—他很成功。(He's very successful.) 深圳启德教育老师提示考生容易因混淆词性而误用的单词有:
interest (n./v.) interested (a.) interesting (a.)success (n.) succeed (v.) successful (a.)musician (n.) music (n.) musical (a.)fashion (n.) fashionable (a.) fashionably (ad.)culture (n.) cultural (a.) culturally (ad.)freedom (n.) free (a.) freely (ad.)protection (n.) protective (a.) protect (v.)importance (n.) important (a.) importantly (ad.)nutrition (n.) nutritious (a)
interestingly (ad.)
successfully (ad.)
musically (ad.)
.C: I like swimming because swimming is very healthy and swimming is fun. I go swimmingwith my family. We go swimming near our home.
.C: I like swimming because it is a very healthy thing to do and it is also fun. I go swimmingwith my family at a pool near our home.