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位置:北京英语培训资讯 > 北京雅思培训资讯 > 总算知晓关于资源保护的雅思常用单词例句


日期:2019-11-07 14:42:39     浏览:108    来源:天才领路者
核心提示:arcticregion北极地区atmosphere n.大气,大气层[例]Thesefactoriesarereleasingtoxicgasesintotheatmosphere.这些工厂正在向大气中排放有毒气体。biogas  n.沼
  arctic region北极地区   atmosphere   n.大气,大气层   [例]These factories are releasing toxic gases into the atmosphere.   这些工厂正在向大气中排放有毒气体。   biogas    n.沼气   biodiversity   n.生物多样性   booming tourism快速发展的旅游业   carbon dioxide二氧化碳   cattle breeding养牛   charcoal    n.木炭   [拓]charcoal for the barbecue烤肉用的木炭。   [例]I prefer to sketch in charcoal.我喜欢用木炭画素描。   climatic   adj.气候上的   [例]Some parts of the world seem to be experiencing climatic changes.   世界上的一些地区似乎正经历着气I的变化。   coal  n.煤   [拓]a burning/red hot coal一块燃烧的/红热的煤。   [例]How much coal was mined here?这里藏有多少煤?   competition    n.竞争   [例]The booming fishing industry is in competition with traditional agriculture for natural resources.   快速发展的养鱼业正与传统农业争抢着自然资源。   contribute to导致   [例]Human activities like industry and agriculture contribute to the change of global climate.人类的活动如工业和农业导致了全球气侯的改变。   crude oil原油   dam    n.大坝   [例]The Aswan High Dam is on the river Nile in Egypt.   阿斯旺大坝建在埃及的尼罗河上。   deforestation    n.采伐森林   [例]Deforestation is destroying large areas of tropical rain forest.   采伐森林正在破坏大片的热带雨林。   desert   n.沙漠   [例]Antarctic is classified geologically into desert due to low snowfall.   因为降雪量很小,南极洲从地质学角度被划分为沙漠。   以上是由深圳学校小编为您整理的关于资源保护的雅思常用单词例句的全部内容。