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位置:北京英语培训资讯 > 北京雅思培训资讯 > 终于知道关于电脑的雅思常用口语对话


日期:2019-11-08 17:26:36     浏览:193    来源:天才领路者
核心提示:    在现代人的生活中,随着互联网的崛起,电脑越来越受欢迎,深深地影响着我们的生活。而电脑也是一把双刃剑,它的利与弊是当代人一直争论的话题。
        在现代人的生活中,随着互联网的崛起,电脑越来越受欢迎,深深地影响着我们的生活。而电脑也是一把双刃剑,它的利与弊是当代人一直争论的话题。以下是由上海新东方学校小编为您整理的关于电脑的雅思常用口语对话。   1. How often do you use your computer?   你多久使用一次电脑?   I use it every day. My computer is an essential tool in my career/study and personal life. I use it to find important information on the internet.organize tasks for work/study.keep up with the news,as well as watch movies and shows.   我每天都使用。电脑对我的工作/学习和私人生活来说,是非常重要的工具。我用电脑在互联网上查找重要资料、整理工作/学习资料.当然也用它来看新闻、电影和电视剧。   2. When did you start using computers/the internet?   你什么时候开始使用电脑/互联网?   Ever since I was in elementary school.I've always had the opportunity to use the computer When I first started using computers.I recall them being very large and heavy. The internet also wasn't filled up with as much information on it as today.nor did it have that many resources to offer. The internet has really developed fast and well in the past 20years.   从*开始.我就一直有机会使用电脑。我刚开始用电脑的时候.电脑又大又沉.而且互联网也没有像现在那么多的信息和资源。近二十年来,互联网真是越来越发达。   星级词汇:   recall vi.回忆   3. What websites do you often visit?   你经常上哪些网站?   Every time I turn on my computer.I open up my e-mail host website to read and send e-mails. I also search different news websites to update myself with what's going on around the world. If I want to search for information, I usually use well-known and reliable search engines like Google.   每次一打开电脑.我就会去电子邮箱收发邮件。我也经常看不同的新闻网站.了解世界各地发生的新闻。如果要搜索信息和资料,我会使用有名且可靠的搜索引擎.比如谷歌。   星级词汇:   search engine搜索引擎   4. In what ways do Chinese people use computers?   *人一般怎么使用电脑?   Chinese use computers in the same ways as most other nations or people do in the world: surf the internet.word processing,entertainment and so on.   *人和世界上其他*的人们一样,使用电脑来上网、进行文字处理和娱乐等。   星级词汇:   word processing文字信息处理   以下是由上海新东方学校小编为您整理的关于电脑的雅思常用口语对话的全部内容。