东京*本科生申请条件学校名称:日本东京*东京*所在位置:日本文京区学校设置类型:综合性*创建时间:1877年学历:本科 研究生 网络课程 学校性质:私立学生人数:28753人院校地址:东京都文京区本郷七丁目3番1号学校中文网址: Research as an research research students belong to a special category for those who wish to engage in research in fields. No degree or is awarded to research students after the of a research term.【翻译】本科研究型学生注册为本科研究型的学生本科研究型的学生属于希望在特定领域从事研究型活动的学生的一个特殊项目。在完成研究型学期工作后,本科生研究型学生不能获得学位或者是任何资格证明。【原文】(a) for must be graduates, or have completed 16 years of school education. However, some faculties may accept from those who have completed 14 years of education ( of junior college graduates in Japan).(b) are required to submit their documents to the faculty in which they wish to enroll. Since the process for Japan tends to take a long time, it is necessary to complete the at least six months prior to admission. Please contact the relevant faculty office for more .【翻译】(a)申请资格申请者必须是*毕业生,或完成了16年的学校教育。但是,一些系院可能会接受只完成14年教育的学生的申请者(相当于日本的大专生)。(b)申请程序所有的申请者要求向他们所希望注册的院系提交申请文件。由于日本的移民流程需要很长时间,所以在有必要在入学前6个月完成申请流程。请联系相关院系办公室了解更多信息。【原文】 Course available at each faculty and graduate school can be searched at the following URL:(Available courses change annually.) courses, Graduate courses: